City of Novi Sad is one of the project partners MobiWallet – “Mobility and Transport Digital Wallet", which was approved in the framework of the European Union FP7 Programme. The...
City of Novi Sad is one of the partners of the SocIoTal project “A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities", which was approved in the budget framework of...
SHORT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The lead beneficiary is the Osijek Health Center, while the project partner is the Novi Sad Health Center. The aim of the project is to establish a...
SHORT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Study on construction of a bicycle route from the Ilok-Bačka Palanka border crossing to Novi Sad. Vukovarsko–sremska županija is the lead beneficiary,...
City of Novi Sad is one of 12 partner organizations from five European countries (United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Serbia and Spain), which were granted financing within the CIP EU...