
City of Novi Sad and the Serbian Oil Industry (NIS) entered into an agreement on strategic cooperation today, which will enable realization of NIS projects in Novi Sad in the field of sports, culture, science, environment and which will help the socially vulnerable citizens in 2014. The NIS Company will allocate 15 million RSD for these projects.

The Agreement relates to the NIS Corporate Program "Cooperation for Development" which the Company based in Novi Sad, has been conducting for six years. Besides Novi Sad, NIS Company has signed the cooperation agreements with Belgrade and nine more cities and municipalities. The Agreement in question was signed in Belgrade by NIS CEO Kirill Kravchenko and Novi Sad Mayor Miloš Vučević.

-It gives me great pleasure that the City of Novi Sad, by signing of this Agreement, has continued the collaboration with the NIS Company, which operates from its headquarters in our city. In addition to this, the NIS Company conducts a strong investment policy in Serbia and the Company has significant influence on the development of local communities through the implementation of socially-responsible projects- the Mayor Vučević said and he announced the opening of the Serbian-Russian bilingual classes in the Elementary School "Jovan Popović" as a result of the cooperation between the City government and the NIS Company.

On this occasion, NIS CEO Kirill Kravchenko said that the essence of "Cooperation for Development " Program is to involve the citizens in the proposal and selection of projects that the NIS Company is funding in local communities.  The projects will be implemented through public tenders within the NIS's Corporate Program "Cooperation for Development" under the slogan "Together for the Community". The funds will be distributed based on a public competition, and the citizens will be able to propose projects which they believe should be realized in their surrounding. The public competition will be published tomorrow and will last up to 4th April. Full terms and conditions of the public competition under the slogan "Together  for the Community" will be published on the corporate website of the NIS Company at:

Novi Sad, 13th March 2014